Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Books - Books

Books when are read, gives idea that what ever is in the book should prevailed in he society but a soon as the books are closed, everything, every concept diminishes. This enhances the attraction towards the all books we think are respected (not the Holy Books). Like when we study business books, we think to have everything in the same way as we have studied, but in actual, it is not the case. The work abilities are quite different and distinct to the studied one. We are always asked that never believe in the books because books are just the pieces of paper which are just written on the basis of some good examples, but as the real world is different, the basis should not be the books but something which also carry the negative aspects of the circumstances. The books are therefore turned in a bad vision. But when it comes the time of the revision, the application of the ideas, again the same books are remembered are opened to see the essentialities. Like the theories of motivation or the steps to evaluate the best alternative etc. And for finance, again the same books are reminded to open and so they are opened to see a formula or to see some rules of the portfolio. For that reason, always remember, books are never useless, unless we make it useless. Therefore, the more importance we give to our pens and books, the same or more respect they will have for us in the world. If I am considered to be an illiterate person, I can’t read the books but still if I watch a book fallen don, I will take it with great honor and respect. This will allow that the vision about the books in only one sided which is the colorless side!

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